Warriors Of Light
Warriors of Light explores the culture and structure of your organisation through reflective processes to create a customised model of change towards achieving the desired strategic outcomes
Strategist & Facilitator
Have you got a handle on the key variables that may impact your Business model?
The analysis of the business processes including the implicit and explicit systems, knowing your environment and your people and their capacities all form part of the background work that informs the process towards assisting you to gear your organisation for success.
​Signature strengths of our approach are the facilitation of strategic planning sessions through work teams, designed and devised in consultation with your executive team utilising the following principles:
opening minds and pathways
design thinking
co-creating value and knowledge
going beyond the individual to the organisation and its influence sphere
doing more with less
understanding responsibility vs accountability
Leadership & Business Coach
Excellent leaders have the ability to assess different individuals in their team and determine their needs and apply various strategies in order to grow and care for them such that the organisation prospers. Besides having the technical know-how of running a business, they must be able to assimilate information, view situations from both a macro and a micro perspective and make informed decisions while simultaneously remaining humble, caring, bold and assertive; but a leader’s most valuable skill is the ability, and willingness, to listen.
Warriors of Light utilises systems thinking models to establish sustainable strategies and processes that can be embedded in organisational culture on an ongoing basis.
Designing, implementing and reviewing strategic plans, setting agreed-upon goals, targets, and timeframes that are integrated into the business processes and culture that align with the organisational ambition form the core of this service offering.
Management Coach
One of the biggest challenges in the workplace today is developing a sensible work ethic, one which fosters a dynamic balance between individual autonomy and company productivity, and which ensures the optimum utilisation of skills without undermining personal lives.
Our management coaching option enables and empowers staff to deliver on the overall organisational ambition/vision through the highest expression of human endeavour to achieve high-performance teams.
Growing and caring for people is the way to a sustainable future!
A mentor creates the space for exploration, failure without judgment to enable creative thinking towards resolution of issues/problems and dilemmas. Mentoring takes time because it is a more informal approach built on a trust bedrock whereas coaching is more structured and short term towards a defined goal.